I don’t have a green thumb and all my plants die or look terrible the whole summer. So my solution is to find some outdoor fake plants that look real! That way they will look awesome all summer long. Yey!
This year I’m looking to organize my home in creative ways, I love the rustic look and storage items that look nice.I saw a page that had these awesome baskets in the living room that you can stuff blankets and thing in. So I’m on the lookout for a nice looking Large Wicker Basket with Lid to store a blanket inside.
I made a rule this year that all events, I will not spend the day cleaning up and washing dishes. My solution buying paper plates for all events that I host. Now I just need to find some really nice Christmas Party Paper Plates this year. I found some really nice ones at my favorite online store. The patterns are amazing I think, and so festive. I’m sure everyone will enjoy eating off some of these I have picked out.