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Hi I'm Lynn, You can find me blogging, cooking, and dreaming about how to decorate my house, in my spare time (who am I kidding? I have no spare time). I am the CEO and creator for LynnOak.com. All posts are reviewed and updated personally by ME - if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

This year I'm looking to organize my home in creative ways, I love the rustic look and storage items that look nice. While looking in home decor magazines at the doctors office. lol! Well nothing else to do while I'm waiting, right?! I saw a page that had these awesome baskets in the living room that you can stuff blankets and things in. So I'm on the lookout for a nice looking Large Wicker Basket with Lid to store a blanket inside.
I have a lap size blanket that my aunt made me and I don't want my dogs sleeping on it. I usually shove it on top of the couch but they always find a way to get it down and sleep on it. They have other blankets to sleep on, and I don't want anything to happen to it, but I still want to use it. I think it's important to not store away these treasure but to enjoy them.
My Grandma promised me this watch that she always wore and when she passed I got it only to have my husband whisk it away to the safe deposit box. I've not seen that watch since. Isn't that a shame, now it will be passed on and probably sold right away and I was never able to wear the watch that I dreamed of owning.
Don't let this happen to you.
Enjoy your treasures!
Now you understand, that I want to use the blanket but I really don't want the dogs to destroy it or get stains on it, thus I need some kind of storage for it while I'm not using it.

Large Wicker Basket Storage Trunk with Lid

I really like this one, it looks rustic and will go with my decor perfectly. It's a great size too, I can get my blanket in it and I can store away my knitting project as well. My favorite is the brown, but it also comes in tan and gray. I could even use it as a coffee table if I wanted or store another blanket on top. It has great reviews, I always read the reviews on everything I buy from my favorite online store.

Large Wicker Basket with Lift Off Lid

This one has a lift off lid. The size is just about the same as the first one It will easily hold my blanket and then some. It also comes in a couple colors, I like the brown one the best. It's nice that it has handles which would make it easier to move around. Just reading the reviews on this one and some people are really creative with theirs. One lady put this by her bed so her little dog could jump up on it to get to on the bed easier. Then another person asked it was big enough to use as a filing cabinet and it was, the metal hanger will fit in easily to hang files on. What a great idea!

Stackable Wicker Large Basket with Lid

This one I would buy two of them to stack together, you can buy them in a set. This one is half as tall as the other two I just mentioned and would look great stacked on top of each other for a different kind of storage look. They come in the same dark walnut brown color and tan. You know which color I like the best. Right? More great ideas! One lady put these on her bakers rack! Nice! Great storage for kitchen items, like table cloths or even pans if you have a small kitchen.

Lidded Large Round Wicker Basket

This one is round and reminds me of an asian theme decor. I wanted to look at something just a little bit different and this one fits that for sure. My blanket would fit in perfectly, it has a lid and I could hide my knitting project in it just fine. One lady said she's been using hers for over a year everyday to store extra pillows and blankets, It has held up great. Very well made. I'm really liking this one now. I'm so glad I added this one to my list. I just might have to buy this one.

Large Closet Wicker Basket with Lid

This one is too small, but I added it to my list because I really like it. The reviews said it was really well made. One person keeps it on top of her closet. Another person keeps dog toys in it, not sure if the dog can open it up. But anyway, it's nice and the color I like it might work for you if your looking for something a little smaller.